Saturday, December 29, 2007

Lady Eleanor

Why must I always want to make the most difficult things?

Gallery of Lady Eleanor scarves.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Joy

My mother, apparently listening to me extol the virtues of a LYS that I love, got me a gift certificate for $50.

Yarn Mecca*, here I come.

*No, that's not the name of the store (Artistic Needles is), but that's how I refer to it.

Knitting with fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome

As a knitter and seamstress, one of my biggest stumbling blocks is the difficulty I have in concentrating. My mind is very foggy sometimes, and even though I think I'm following the instructions correctly, somehow the project doesn't look like it should.

For example, I was trying to work on the Ropes and Ladders scarf, my first cabling project, last week. It was actually going well the first time I cast on, but I wasn't happy with how loose my CO was, so I frogged it and started over. That's when the problems started. No matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried, the pattern just wasn't working for me. I had too many stitches on my needles at one point, then too few, and the pattern that was forming looked odd. It had seemed so easy the first time before frogging, and I kind of wish I'd kept going with that attempt. Maybe one end would have been a little loose, but if the pattern looked right, I don't think I would have cared so much.

Fibro/CFS are the reasons I put projects down for weeks or months at a time. I get so frustrated and confused that I feel like I can never accomplish what I've started out to do, that I'll never understand. They've been the reason that a lot of my hobbies have come to a screeching halt: writing and reading are the other pasttimes that have become difficult for me.

I'm doing all I can to ease the pain and the fog, but it's very difficult some days.

Hopefully, I can get started on the Ropes and Ladders scarf again, because it's beautiful.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I'm relatively new to the world of knitting, having just completed my first piece, Knitty's Calorimetry.

I've been crocheting for about three years now, give or take a few months, and while I enjoy the patterns made with crochet, I seem to be finding that knitting is much more satisfying. The stitches are so much prettier to me for some reason. I guess maybe I just can't believe that I'm making things that you can buy in a store, it's rather odd for me.

I recently found two local yarn stores (LYSs) to get high-quality yarn from, Artistic Needles and Knit & Caboodle, both in Saint Charles. before that I'd been going to Michaels and other craft stores, but the selection there leaves something to be desired. If you don't mind tons of acrylic and weird furry yarn, that's the place to go.

Currently on the needles is MagKnits' A Scarf Askew, to complement my calorimetry. I also have a pair of socks going, and since I'm going on a cruise next week, I expect I'll find time to work on both of them.