Thursday, May 15, 2008


I'm currently battling a cold. Probably the worse illness known to man, if only because you can't do a goddamned thing about it. Plenty of fluids. Don't kiss people. Keep things clean.

I guess I wouldn't feel like such complete and utter cat poo if I didn't have CFS and FM to deal with on a daily basis. My fatigue and weakness are at about an eight level right now (ten being the worst). Doesn't matter what or how much I eat, they're both high.

And I'm not looking forward to the next few days. I have two work the next two, then go to my brother's Confirmation on Sunday, which means no sleeping in. Then more work next week. Then graduations and parties to attend. Then more work, and no sleeping in. Then traveling for a couple days. More no sleeping in.

No wonder I'm sleeping so much during the day.

Hmmmm ....

I wonder how many blogs there are out there, languishing untouched by their owners. I know mine sure as hell has.

I just honestly don't have anything interesting to write about, and I sure as hell don't have the motivation to hunt down articles and write commentary on them. There's a reason I'm not in school anymore, y'know?

And ultimately, that would mean I care if anyone reads this, which I don't. Begs the question why I even have a blog in the first place, then, doesn't it?

Why? Because I can.